Company Project List for Stream Enhancement Projects
1999 Community Pride Design Awards
For Cedar Creek/Chelatchie Railroad – Fish Passage Improvement
2012 Jobs Completed
Underwood Conservation District
- § Little wind Habitat Restoration Project
- Project scope includes 1,000 feet of in-stream construction of habitat enhancement and restoration features including in-stream pool enhancement, riffle and glide construction, construction
of large wood log jams with piling, and excavation of off channel habitat areas.
Yakama Nation
- § Eagle Rock LWD Enhancement Methow River
- Project consisted of placing LWD structures with piling and cable along the Methow River. PZC Sheet Piling was placed for coffer dam along with turbidity curtain and pumps to control
2011 Jobs Completed
Lower Columbia Fish Enhancement Group
- Place LWD structures with wood piling along Columbia River.
- Lewis River Mile Side Channel ML 13.5
- Dig 21,000 cy side channel and place LWD, Piling, and Rock in channel. Realign tributary and place LWD, piling and rock.
Woodland Constructors
- Old Mans Pass
- Reclaim old road and remove culverts.
John Willey
- Eagle Island
- Install Piling in placed LWD
2010 Jobs Completed
Chehalis Basin Task Force
- Satsop Springs Fish Hatchery
- Clean out and shape fish rearing ponds
- Mayor Pond Clean Out
- Clean out and shape fish rearing ponds
Cowlitz County Soil Conservation District
- Abernathy Creek – Robert Strom
- Place Log Jams and In-Stream Structures
Log Pilings and building structures with logs and tying them together with rebar and cables. Placed in and out of the water.
Lower Columbia Fish Enhancement Group
- North Fork Lewis River Mile 13-14
- Wood Piling and Structures in the river and along the bank
- Place Log piling. Place brow logs and root wads around the piling with piles of brush. Both in the water and out of the water.
Wahkiakum Conservation
- Elochamen River Bank Restoration
- Private Property place log piling and root wads for bank stabilization and habitat.
Tapani Underground
- Julia Butler Hanson Wildlife Refuge
- Sheet Piling for Box Culvert Ends and Temporary Coffer Dams
- Sub Contracted for US Army Corp
- Place sheet piling for box culvert ends working in the tidal influence.
2009 Jobs Completed
Tapani Underground
- Washougal River Trail
- Pilings for Boardwalk
- Place piling in wetlands for board walk.
Lower Columbia Fish Enhancement Group
- Grays River Piling
- Piling Placed in river with log jams
Place log piling with root wads and LWD in river bed.
- Toutle River at Steelhead Landing
- Piling placed in log jams and structures
Place log piling with root wads and LWD in river bed.
- Procters on the Cedar Creek
- Piling placed in log jams along river bank
Place log piling with root wads and LWD in river bed.
Chehalis Basin Task Force
- ORV Park Stream Mitigation Phase 2
- Place LWD structures in creek
Realign creek bed, armor banks with rip rap, place root wads and LWD in creek. Place boulders in creek bed. Plant willow in creek bed.
- Satsop Springs Fish Hatchery
- § Fish Ladder repair and culvert removal
Repair fish ladder and place boulders in creek. Remove culvert and repair bank.